AMEX: Exclusive Vouchers for the Platinum Collection
One of the things I genuinely enjoy about holding the Amex Plat Charge Card is that they are coming up with more and more offers every other week now. While I may not use these offers or redeem points that often - but the bottom line is, the card is improving.
Many people I speak to tell me that the Amex Platinum Card in India does not have a lot of value compared to its US counterpart. This is very, very true. However, in my opinion, AMEX is building a niche segment in India, and it would be just fair to give them some time to build those local strategic partnerships.
In my opinion, the Amex Plat Card card will hold a lot more value in about 3-4 years in India, which also will be a result of travel and outdoor activities getting momentum in the post COVID world (Hopefully!)
For a detailed analysis of the Amex Plat Charge card, visit the below link and feel free to drop in your comments.

Okay, now back to the topic. American Express just sent across a communication that one can do a lot more with their points in their kitty. Specifically, Shop!
Now you can convert your MR points as low as 12,500 for shopping vouchers.
These include Luxe, Mango, Raw Mango, Nicobar, MAC, Bobby Brown, Clinique, IHCL, Raas. Some of these brands I really love!

To give an example, one of the redemptions offers 80K MR points for Raw Mango vouchers worth INR30K, which is INR 0.375 per point. If you would have to ask me what would I do, then I would pass. In my opinion, if spent on miles transfer or hotel redemption will lead to higher returns on your MR point value.
What about you? What do you think? Let us know in the comment section below. Moreover, if you like our regular updates and content, please support The Local Postcards in various ways listed below.